Offer Calculator

Use our quotation calculator to calculate a preliminary offer for your event.

Your individual event with Gerstner

Please note that the prices calculated are only a guideline. The date you have chosen is not confirmed by us and will only be checked when we create a detailed offer based on capacity and availability. The offer also does not include any costs for furniture, as this is either included or charged separately depending on the location chosen.

1. Basisdaten
2. To the reception
3. Anfragen
To the reception
Aperitif with sparkling wine
Aperitif with sprakling wine & cocktails
Aperitif with champagne
Canapés for aperitif
Fingerfood for aperitif
No reception planned
Please choose what we can serve to welcome your guests! Please note that the aperitif cannot be booked separately.
Aufgrund Ihrer Eingaben konnten wir folgende Punkte ermitteln:BruttoNetto
Pro Person
Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei um einen Richtwert handelt. Sie erhalten von uns im Anschluss ein detailliertes Angebot zu Ihrer Anfrage